Little Parker led us on a merry chase in this fun family shoot, but we were able to keep up thanks to the kid-friendly park, sunshine and fast shutter speed!
The goal of this photo session was indeed just that – to capture the spirited, curious, happy-go-lucky nature of Parker now that he’s an on-the-go one year old. And go, go, go he did! And you know what they say : if you can’t beat’em (there was no way to get him to stay still longer than 2 seconds), join’em! So there we went all around the park, which makes for a fun variety of shots.
We hope you enjoy viewing these pics as much as we enjoyed taking them! Not only was it a fun shoot, but it gave my wife/assistant and I glimpse to what’s ahead for us as we look forward to welcoming our first child (a boy) in just a few short weeks! Soon enough our own little guy will be taking his first step and will be on the go, exploring the world!
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